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Get The App

Become an InvadeLA member and save up to 20% each visit at hundreds of Los Angeles merchants with just the flash of your phone - no points, codes, or coupons required.

Never Pay Full Price Again

Almost all loyalty programs require multiple visits before you're able to redeem their offers. Ours are accessible on your very first visit, and every visit afterwards.

Every registered user is given one free redemption to use at anytime with no expiration date. You may purchase a full year of membership with unlimited usage for only $4.99 from within the app. This small fee can be easily paid for with the money you save on your first redemption, so it's basically free.

Are you a business owner and interested in joining InvadeLA? Join Now

Find Deals Nearby

Open up the app and immediately see participating merchants nearby using the List or Map view. New merchants are added throughout the year so the value of membership increases over time.

How To Redeem

Before you pay, hit the big shiny red button on the merchant's profile. There's no advanced purchase necessary and you'll never need a passcode, print-out, or coupon to get a great deal.

Save Some Moolah!

Present the redemption screen to the merchant to save money on your bill. Don't forget to keep track of your savings throughout the year!

Download the app for the entire list:

"To live and die in LA, where everyday we try to fatten our pockets."

That's right, we quoted Tupac.

Join Our Network

Becoming an InvadeLA partner is easy! All that is required is a physical location, some basic information about your business, and your offer of choice - 10%, 15%, or 20% off each visit. Once verified, we can have your profile up and running within 24 hours.

Sign Up My Business

InvadeLA Signup Form

Please enter the required information and choose an offer to display through the InvadeLA mobile app.

- Cannot be combined with any other offer, discount or promotion
- Must present membership before payment
- Offer is subject to change

It's Free

That's right, we dont charge you a dime. Our revenue comes from app sales, so setting up and marketing your offer is free of charge. We're not involved with the transaction and there are no hidden fees whatsoever.

Gain Loyalty

Attract everyday business by telling your customers about your InvadeLA offer. Studies have shown that loyal customers account for more than 50% of sales, visit 20% more, and spend 5% more than the average customer.

Go Mobile

More and more people rely on their smartphone to find the best deals around them. Rest assured that members can view and access your offer from anywhere with just a few taps using our mobile app.

Be Social

Everyday, people are sharing your business within their social circles. We have successfully built the tools to capture this data and push your offer to these users when they do so.

Stay tuned. Read our news

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.


For general questions and comments about the app, or to report a bug, please email us at


For partnership inquiries or more information about joining InvadeLA, please send an email to

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